
Packages an existing system up as an image

This command performs the complex process of converting an existing virtual system into a Cloudmin image. It has three required parameters : --host followed by the hostname of the system to image, --desc followed by a description of the image, and --id followed by a new unique image ID. The ID is typically formatted like type-os-software, such as xen-centos6-virtualmin.

If the ID refers to an image that already exists and you want to replace it, add the --overwrite paramter to the command line. You should also use --version followed by a version number, to make it easier to keep track of different instances of the same image.

By default, files created as part of the image will be copied to the default storage locations. Typically this is just the /var/webmin/server-manager directory on the Cloudmin master. However, you can use the --storage flag followed by a storage spec to use a different location. This is typically given in host:path format.

Creation takes several minutes, but the command will display each step in the process as it proceeds, and inform you of its final success or failure.

Example usage

  cloudmin create-image --host xenrails.home --desc "Image with rails" --id xen-centos5.0-rails
  Creating temporary directory for image files ..
  .. done
  Shutting down system ..
  .. done
  Mounting Xen instance filesystem ..
  .. mounted on /mnt/xen-xenrails
  Removing Virtualmin licence ..
  .. done
  Resetting root password ..
  .. done
  Removing authorized SSH keys ..
  .. done
  Un-mounting Xen instance filesystem ..
  .. done
  Compressing filesystem image ..
  .. done
  Transferring image files to Cloudmin master ..
  .. transferred all files
  Deleting compressed filesystem image ..
  .. done
  Mounting Xen instance filesystem ..
  .. mounted on /mnt/xen-xenrails
  Undoing licence and password changes ..
  .. done
  Un-mounting Xen instance filesystem ..
  .. done
  Starting up system ..
  .. done
  Refreshing system status ..
  .. done

Command Line Help

Converts an existing virtual system into an image.

cloudmin create-image --host name
                      --desc "image description"
                      --id image-id
                     [--version number | --inc-version]
                     [--storage spec]