Backup Feature problems not backing up mysql and other settings...


We have an issue where we have setup a scheduled backup for all features to another server via SSH.

Looking at the backup logs we got lots of the below....

Creating backup for virtual server ..

Copying virtual server configuration ..
.. done

Backing up Cron jobs ..
.. none defined.

Saving mail aliases ..
.. done

Saving mail and FTP users ..
.. done

Backing up mail and FTP user Cron jobs ..
.. none to backup

Copying records in DNS domain ..
.. done

Copying Apache virtual host configuration ..
.. done

Copying Webalizer configuration files ..
.. done

Copying Logrotate configuration ..
.. done

Dumping MySQL database thisdomain ..
.. done

Backing up Webmin ACL files ..
.. done

Backing up DAV users file ..
.. done

Creating incremental TAR file of home directory ..
.. done

Uploading archive to SSH server ..
.. done

When opening the backup there none of the above settings just the user folder and web files. This is the same behaviour on various versions of webmin including the latest.

Closed (fixed)


Is there any chance you could either attach the backup file to this bug report, or perhaps email it to and (if you email it, include a link to this bug report in the message body).


If you look at the backup file manually with tar, the MySQL DBs will typically be in a file named like .backup/domain.com_mysql.gz . Other files for features like DNS and Apache are in files under the .backup directory.

But send us the backup file, and I will take a look..

Thanks for the backup file. It actually looks fine to me .. the backup file contains .backup/kevintest.com_mysql_kevintest.gz , which is an SQL dump of the empty database.


Sorry guys. My OS and FTP app hid the folders because it started with a . Yep there all there.
