Bleeding Edge PHP

I don't suppose that there is a chance of getting the bleeding edge php upgraded to at least 5.2.10 or 5.3. 5.2.9 no longer passes PCI scans.

Closed (fixed)


Giving this one to Joe...

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Wed, 09/16/2009 - 00:17 Pro Licensee

5.2.10 is building now. Will try to have it in the repos before I hit the sack tonight.

5.3.0 is problematic, as many of our most popular Install Scripts aren't yet compatible (Drupal, in particular, which is what this site runs, and we can't possibly break it).

5.2.10 is fine with me, as long as it passes PCI compliance scans.

Where did we end up on this?

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Thu, 09/17/2009 - 18:08 Pro Licensee

Still working on it. I ran into some problems with my mock build environment...they keep breaking mock! Hopefully later tonight.

Just wondering if there was an update on this issue.

Ping. None of my servers pass PCI scans with the old version of PHP and I can't downgrade as I use Magento.

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Fri, 10/02/2009 - 07:21 Pro Licensee

I've just rolled out 5.2.11, after quite a bit of hair-pulling. It's been running on for several hours now, so I think it's reasonably solid.

And, incidentally, the spec didn't need to change at all between 5.2.10 and 5.2.11 (this is pretty rare for PHP updates, I guess because it is such a large/complex package), so I'm hopeful it will be easier to track 5.2.x versions going forward.

5.3.x will have to wait until a majority of the most important packages (Drupal, in particular), supports it. I'm keeping an eye on that. I wouldn't expect it to be more than a month or two away, though.