Cannot enable SSL for sub-server

I don't get it. When a domain owner account goes to create a sub-server, which is a sub-domain in this case though it doesn't seem to matter, then do NOT have the option to create a unique IP under IP address and forwarding. If one enables the box that says to Setup SSL, and click create server, you get the warning "SSL cannot be enabled for more than one domain on the IP address unless a virtual IP interface or private port is enabled"...

Ok, great, but, I can't enable a unique IP for this sub-server!

Curiously, if I log in as the master user and create a sub-server, it DOES allow a unique IP to be assigned as now the choice called "Virtual with allocated IP" shows up.

It's not unique to one server owner, no server owner has the option.

What could be wrong?

As an aside, under account plans, the options "Can change IP address" and "Can manage SSL certificates" are both checked.

I wonder if it's a problem with plans. In the plans, under available features, the box is checked that says "Virtual IP address". However, on a newly created server, the owner does NOT have that permission. And, as it turns out, if I immediately enable this for the owner, voila, the choice is now there.

So, maybe it's just a bug in account plans and the initial owner permissions?

Am using the current Virtualmin Pro.

Closed (fixed)


Sounds like the domain owner's plan doesn't allow the use of virtual ip addresses. You can fix this by editing the plan, and in the allowed features section allowing virtual IPs.

Let me know if this helps..

But it does. See my comments in the original re-produced below.

In the plans, under available features, the box is checked that says "Virtual IP address". However, on a newly created server, the owner does NOT have that permission.

So, account owners are not getting the permission that the plan says they should have for virtual IP address. Even newly created ones.

So, the bug is in account plans, creating a new server for the plan skips that setting. Let me know if you disagree.

Oh, OK, I understand now .. and I see the cause of this bug. It will be fixed in the next Virtualmin release.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.