DNS recursion : How to set it right ?


I am doing some dns testing to see if my server is working right in regards to DNS standard and I get errors about recursion and dangers therof.

So I am looking into setting the DNS the right way so that only the servers that need access get the stuff they need and bogus servers get nothing.

I am not that far into DNS setup and such so would you please assist me in setting things right ?

To give you a clue on the errors I see, cliekc here: http://dnscheck.iis.se/?time=1248979766&id=223583&view=basic&test=standard

Closed (fixed)


Assuming you just want to limit recursive queries to your own machine or a trusted network, go to Webmin -> Servers -> BIND DNS Server -> Addresses and Topology, and in "Allow recursive queries from" enter your own system's IP address,, and other machines you trust.

Then click Save, and Apply Configuration.

Does that help?