When i restore the backups HELP ASAP old server going down wensday

Hey all it is me agan... ok new one for me agan.... i have two server bot update with Vertualmin pro both Running CentOS one 4.4 and the other 5.3 ok i have a problem with the email i got that fixed... Done with that... but now as i look the qouta is not right... on one server it is like what ever k but on the other it is like something MB what do i need to do to fix this... as for the max it is right but the acual amount they are useing is totally diff... Examply a user on the old server is useing like 200k but on the new server its like 94 Megs.... i dont know what i did diff... can you help me please i need this done by wensday... i will be up late tonight to work on this server.. you can Skype me lynkerworld you can yahoo me.. or MSN or aol i need help ASAP this server is going down wednesday John

Closed (fixed)


Hey sent you an login information from the Virtualmin for both server just letting you know.. John

Thanks, I will take a look.

So is it the disk usage that is different, or the disk quota ?

hmmmm disk useage sorry.. but it changed from like K to megs in changing the servers the same OS just Version diff other then that all the same..

Hey just emailed you with a number if you would like to talk over the phone.. talk at you in a bit.. John

I replied to your email.

Let me know which specific domain you are seeing this problem for.

just imed you and emailed you.. John

Ok, I will take a look in about an hour..

ok cool let me know Via IM

one more for you to take a look at continuumacg.net this is one i did what you said but it still does the same.. even deleted it and retryed.. still the same.. sorry should be the last.. John

I re-restored continuumacg.net, and it worked fine!

Thanks i dont know what i was doing wrong... but they are all just about in.. now.. thanks once agan i owe you John