Apache website failed! with no explanation

Hey ..

A problem that just started today where I get the above error message when creating a new virtual server.

The script seems to create the virtualserver directive, but no php-cgi wrapper directive nor a fgi-bin folder.

Is there a log file somewhere that I can see what's actually breaking?



Howdy -- is Apache itself running okay?

I'd look for error messages both in the Webmin log, /var/webmin/miniserv.error, as well as the Apache log, in /var/log/httpd/error_log.

Niot sure if this has anything to do with it but I have this error:

[19/Jul/2009:14:06:53 +1000] miniserv.pl started [19/Jul/2009:14:06:53 +1000] Perl module Authen::PAM needed for PAM is not installed : Can't locate Authen/PAM.pm in ....... at (eval 10) line 1. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 10) line 1.

I've narrowed it down to this error:

su: user testdomain does not exist su: user testdomain does not exist su: user testdomain does not exist su: user testdomain does not exist su: user testdomain does not exist su: user testdomain does not exist

I am creating a virtual server without ticking "create admin"

Is this a sub-server you are creating, or a top-level server? Normally all top-level servers need to have an admin .. otherwise, they wouldn't have any owner for their files.

The underlying problem of the full error not being shown is a known bug, which will be fixed in Virtualmin 3.71.

I've tried creating a top level server and the error occurs there as well.

We have a dev. server that we create our domains on first and we un tick "Create Admin user" as we don't need it created.

This seems like a Virtualmin bug - it should really be forcing you to create an administration user, as one really is needed. If you check the "administration user" option, does it work OK?

Thanks Jamie,

I tried creating creating a new account with admin ticked and it worked! This must be a new bug because I have been able to create account without ticking admin up until this week.

Cheers, Ryan