how do I get a backup working on a clean machine.

I have a badly buggered system and need to take the domains and put them on a new clean system.

when I take a backup from the old sysstem and try to recover it onto the new system I start getting errors when trying to restore the first domain.

It seems like the domains must exist before I can restore them.

Restoring backup for virtual server .. Updating administration password and quotas .. .. done

Restoring Cron jobs ..
.. done

Extracting TAR file of home directory ..
.. done

Setting ownership of home directory ..
.. done

Restoring Apache virtual host configuration ..
.. no Apache virtual host found!

Restore failed!

Closed (fixed)


Does the domain exist at all on the new system? The restore process will re-create missing virtual servers, but it looks like you have them on the new system but in some in-complete state.

It is simplest (if possible) to completely delete the domains on the new system, then restore from backups.