Submitted by izoox on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 11:45
A user asked me why webalizer wasn't showing the most recent stats. So I looked into it and there is a setting to have webalizer always reprocess logs, I checked that and re-generated the report and the new stats showed. Is there a way to make this the default option for webalizer, and then apply this to all virtual servers? They apparently use webalizer heavily and I can't figure out how to make this the option by default.
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by andreychek on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 12:30 Comment #1
Well, if the stats aren't updating, the trouble may be with the cron job itself that processes the logs with webalizer.
An example that could cause a problem like that is if there is a syntax error in the crontab, and it preventing cron from loading root's crontab.
If you restart cron (/etc/init.d/crond restart), do any errors show up in cron's logfile (/var/log/cron)?
Submitted by JamieCameron on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 12:32 Comment #2
Also, try SSHing in as root and running the command :
crontab -l | grep webalizer
You should see a command like :
/etc/webmin/webalizer/ /var/log/virtualmin/whatever.com_access_log
Try running that command as root, and see if it reports any error..
Submitted by izoox on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 12:36 Comment #3
I did run that before and it generated no error. The cron seems to be running fine as well. So you are saying that option shouldn't be necessary to see daily stats generated?
Submitted by JamieCameron on Mon, 07/06/2009 - 23:59 Comment #4
Yes, the stats should get updated daily with new hits for each day..
Submitted by izoox on Sat, 10/03/2009 - 16:18 Comment #5