error message is:
Failed to start service :
Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443 no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs [FAILED]
I will enable remote login privileges.
Closed (fixed)
This error indicates something is already listening on the SSL port.
Try forcibly killing all httpd instances.
service httpd stop killall httpd
Check for anything sticking around:
ps auxc | grep httpd
If nothing, try starting again:
service httpd start
The solution was to kill a job called 'apache', not 'httpd' - then the web server could be restarted from the admin interface.
Strange. Isn't this a RHEL/CentOS system? The process name should be "httpd" if you're using our standard httpd packages (or the OS-standard ones). Debian/Ubuntu has an apache2 process, but that's because the packagers rename the binary during packaging. ;-)