apache won't restart

error message is:

Failed to start service :

Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443 no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs [FAILED]

I will enable remote login privileges.

Closed (fixed)


Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Fri, 07/03/2009 - 03:21 Pro Licensee

This error indicates something is already listening on the SSL port.

Try forcibly killing all httpd instances.

service httpd stop killall httpd

Check for anything sticking around:

ps auxc | grep httpd

If nothing, try starting again:

service httpd start

SoftwareLibrarian's picture
Submitted by SoftwareLibrarian on Fri, 07/03/2009 - 03:53 Pro Licensee

The solution was to kill a job called 'apache', not 'httpd' - then the web server could be restarted from the admin interface.

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Fri, 07/03/2009 - 15:47 Pro Licensee

Strange. Isn't this a RHEL/CentOS system? The process name should be "httpd" if you're using our standard httpd packages (or the OS-standard ones). Debian/Ubuntu has an apache2 process, but that's because the packagers rename the binary during packaging. ;-)