How to enable shared FTP directories

This tutorial will cover how to permit one or more users read access to other user directories.

It assumes you have first logged into Virtualmin.

  1. Choose the domain for which you would like to permit FTP shared directories in the domain selection dropdown.

  2. Click Edit Email and FTP Users.

  3. Create the users you want, making sure their 'Login permisisons' include FTP access.

  4. In the Limits and Validation menu, click FTP Directory Restrictions.

  5. Create a new access rule by checking the Active checkbx in the last rule in the list (which is a "blank" rule), and selecting the virtual server to which the rule should apply.

  6. Choose Virtual server's home directory in the Restrict to directory.

  7. Click Save.

Users will then have read access to all directories within the virtual server home directory, and upload access within their home directory.


pawelkb's picture
Submitted by pawelkb on Mon, 06/13/2016 - 06:57

I am using Pro version but it seems to me none of this information is up-to-date. Please update.

This tutorial does not help anymore, I can not find the described settings to solve SFTP issues