Virtual servers
Probably the most important programs are those for creating, listing, modifying and deleting virtual servers. Because these actions may involve several steps, all of these programs output messages as they proceed, showing the success or failure of each step. These programs and their options are documented below.
- clone-domain - Duplicates an existing virtual server with a new name.
- create-domain - Create a virtual server
- delete-domain - Delete one or more virtual servers.
- disable-domain - Temporarily disable a virtual server
- disable-feature - Turn off some features for a virtual server
- enable-domain - Re-enable one virtual server
- enable-feature - Turn on some features for a virtual server
- list-domains - Lists all virtual servers.
- migrate-domain - Imports a virtual server from some other product
- modify-dns - Change DNS settings for virtual servers
- modify-domain - Change parameters of a virtual server
- modify-mail - Change mail-related settings for some domains
- modify-spam - Change spam filtering and delivery settings for a virtual server
- modify-web - Change a virtual server's web configuration
- move-domain - Change the owner of a virtual server
- notify-domains - Send email to some or all virtual server owners.
- resend-email - Re-send the signup email for a domain
- unalias-domain - Convert an alias domain into a sub-server.
- unsub-domain - Convert a sub-domain into a sub-server.
- validate-domains - Check the configuration of virtual servers