Cloudmin and its documentation uses the following terms to refer to different types of systems and other objects :
A machine with its own IP addresses, filesystems and accounts. This can either be an actual physical computer, or a virtual machine running under some virtualization technology such as Xen, OpenVZ, EC2, Vservers or Solaris Zones. Systems are the primary object managed by Cloudmin.Virtual System
A system that runs under some virtualization type, such as Xen or OpenVZ.Real System or Physical System
An actual computer with its own hardware.Host System
A real machine that can host virtual systems of some type(s).Cloudmin Master
The system on which the Cloudmin software is installed and runs. This may also be a host system, or in some rare cases a virtual system that it also controls. System images are also primarily stored here.Server
A process that provides some service, such as Apache or BIND.Virtual Server
A combination of services provided by several servers, typically associated with a domain name. Virtual servers are the object primarily managed by Virtualmin.System Image
A template from which virtual systems can be created, containing the contents of its filesystem.System Owner
An additional login to Cloudmin will access to a subset of systems and functions.Account Plan
A set of limits on disk, CPU, RAM and network use that can be applied to a system owner.