
Uploads a file to one or more systems

This command can send a file from the Cloudmin master system to one or more managed hosts. The file is specified with the --source parameter, and the destination file or directory with --dest. Alternately, you can have it write input to the command to the destination with the --stdin parameter.

The destination systems are specified with the --host, --group and other standard system-selection parameters. When copying the file is transferred to all systems in parallel, and the success or failure of each is shown as the transfer completes.

If the source or destination file is block-special device (like an LVM logical volume), you must add the --device-file flag.

For OpenVZ, Vservers and Zones systems, the file transfer will be done via the host system, which works even if the virtual system is down. However, you can force a transfer via SSH to the target system with the --force-ssh flag.

Example usage

  cloudmin upload-file --host xencentos.home --host xenrails.home --host fedora.home --source /etc/hosts --dest /tmp/hosts
  Uploading file to 3 systems ..
  xencentos.home: OK
  xenrails.home: OK
  fedora.home: ERROR: ssh: connect to host fedora.home port 22: No route to host lost connection

Command Line Help

Uploads a file to one or more managed systems.

cloudmin upload-file [--host name]*
                     [--group name]*
                     [--type real|kvm|gce|this]*
                     [--os oscode]*
                     [--owner name]*
                     [--status status-code|"up"|"wm"|"bad"]
                     [--host-on name]
                     [--source sourcepath] | [--stdin]
                      --dest destpath