

Changes the description,
OS or login details of a single system

This command can change the details of an existing system,
such as its hostname,
OS or the passwords used by Cloudmin to login via SSH and Webmin.
The system to change is specified using the --host parameter,
which of course must be followed by a hostname.
All other parameters are optional,
and the most commonly used ones are :

--desc new description Sets a new human-readable description for this system.

--notes text Sets the notes for some system.
Use \n to indicate a newline in the text.

--newhost hostname Changes the hostname used by Cloudmin.
This must resolve to the same IP address as the old name,
unless the --force-host flag is given.

--os code Changes the operating system code,
to something like debian or centos.

--ssh-pass password Changes the password Cloudmin will use to login,
*not* the system's actual root password.

--boot or --no-boot Either enables the system at host boot time,
or disables it.

--boot-mode mode Changes the way the system boots,
which typically determines which kernel it uses.

--boot-device id Changes the device the system boots from.
For KVM,
device codes are c (hard dsk) or d (CDROM).

--location name or --no-location Sets the location group for a host system,
or removes it from a group.

--force-ip address or --no-force-ip Forces Cloudmin to use a specific IP address to contact this system,
or just uses the default.

--virt address or --novirt Determines if Cloudmin will create Virtualmin domains on this system or not.

--disk-directory path or --no-disk-directory Sets the default image directory for new virtual disks.

--webmin-url url or --no-webmin-url Changes the URL used in the "Link to Webmin" menu entry in the Cloudmin UI.

>Example usage

  cloudmin modify-system --host xencentos.home --desc "CentOS 5 on Xen"
  xencentos.home modified successfully

Command Line Help

Modifies the details of one managed system.

cloudmin modify-system --host name
                      [--desc "new description"]
                      [--notes "new notes text"]
                      [--newhost name]
                      [--os code]
                      [--virt | --novirt]
                      [--ssh-pass passsword | --ssh-key keyid]
                      [--ssh-user username]
                      [--ssh-sudo | --no-ssh-sudo]
                      [--ssh-port number | --default-ssh-port]
                      [--webmin-user user]
                      [--webmin-pass password]
                      [--boot | --no-boot]
                      [--boot-mode mode]
                      [--boot-device device]
                      [--location id | --no-location]
                      [--force-ip address | --no-force-ip]
                      [--disk-directory path |
                      [--webmin-url url | --no-webmin-url]