
Change the size or virtual device of some disk

This command is commonly used to increase or decrease the size of a virtual disk file,perhaps because the filesystem on it is getting full. The system the disk is on is set with the --host flag, and the disk to change can be specified by real filename using --real or virtual device with --virt.

To set a new size, use the --new-size flag followed by a number in MB. This is only possible if the system is not running, as resizing of an in-use disk is not supported. If the new size is smaller than the amount of space consumed by files on the filesystem, the resize will fail.

To change the device on the virtual system that the disk is mapped to, use the --new-virt flag followed by a device like /dev/sda3.

For disks that support changing the underlying file (like CDs), you can use the --new-real flag followed by a new path on the host system.

To change the media type of a disk, use the --new-media flag followed by a type such as disk or cdrom.

To change the caching mode of a disk, use the --new-cache flag followed by a mode like on or off.

Disks mounted from an iSCSI can be disconnected on the host system using the --iscsi-disconnect flag. To re-establish a connection, use the --iscsi-connect flag.

Example usage

  cloudmin modify-disk --host xencentos.home --virt /dev/sda3 --new-size 2048
  Modifying virtual disk for /dev/sda3 ..
  .. done

Command Line Help

Changes the size or virtual device for a disk on some virtual system.

cloudmin modify-disk --host hostname
                     --real device|file | --virt device | --lv name
                    [--new-size MB]
                    [--new-virt device]
                    [--new-media type]
                    [--new-cache mode]
                    [--new-real file]
                    [--backup-exclude | --backup-include]
                    [--iscsi-connect | --iscsi-disconnect]