
Downloads a file from a single system

This script can be used to fetch a single file from a Cloudmin managed system and either save it on the master, or print it to standard output. The system is selected with the --host parameter, and the source file with --source. To have the file saved on the master, add the --dest parameter followed by a filename. To have its contents output by the script, use the --stdout parameter instead.

If the source or destination file is block-special device (like an LVM logical volume), you must add the --device-file flag.

For OpenVZ, Vservers and Zones systems, the file transfer will be done via the host system, which works even if the virtual system is down. However, you can force a transfer via SSH from the target system with the --force-ssh flag.

Example usage

  cloudmin download-file --host xencentos.home --source /etc/hosts --stdout localhost xencentos.home xencentos

Command Line Help

Downloads a file from a managed system.

cloudmin download-file --host name
                       --source sourcepath
                      [--dest destpath] | [--stdout]