
Creates a new virtual system of some type

This command takes different parameters depending on the type of virtual system being created, but the following are always required :

--host hostname A short hostname for the system to create, which will also be used as the Xen or VServers instance name. --desc description A human-readable name for the system, which you will typically have to quote. --type code The virtualization type code, like ''xen'' ''zones'' or ''vservers'' --ssh-pass password The initial root password for the new system.

For a virtual system, you will need to specify the host system to create it on, using the --xen-host, --vservers-host or --zones-host parameter. If the system is to be created from an image, you will need to select it with the --image parameter, followed by an image ID. To see the full list of available and required options for a particular system type, run with the --type and --help flags.

By default the new system's Unix hostname will be the same as the external name set with the --host flag, but you can modify this with the --unix-host option. For example, for a customer's system you might set it to

If you are creating a system from an image that includes Virtualmin Pro, you will need to specify a license using either the --allocate-serial parameter, or --serial and --key. The former will select an available license from the pool of those registered with Cloudmin,
while the latter let you specify a serial number and key explicitly.

By default this API command will not exit until system creation completes. However, you can use the --background flag to have most of the work performed in the background once initial checks are complete.

The flag --start-at-boot can be given to have the new system restarted when its host system reboots. Alternately, you can use --no-start-at-boot to disable this. If neither flag is given, the Cloudmin default setting (chosen on the Cloudmin Configuration page in the UI) is used.

Example usage

  cloudmin create-system --host xennoupdate --type xen --desc "Test without updates" --ssh-pass smeg  --no-update --xen-host sentosa.home --xen-memory 512 --image xen-centos5.0-virtualmin --allocate-serial
  Copying system image files ..
   .. done
  Starting creation of Xen system ..
  .. creation started
  Waiting for creation to complete ..
  .. creation complete
  Mounting new instance's filesystem ..
  .. mounted on /mnt/xen-xennoupdate
  Copying modules for kernel 2.6.18-8.1.4.el5xen to Xen filesystem ..
  .. done
  Setting root password ..
  .. done
  Updating configuration files with hostname and IP address ..
  .. done
  Updating network configuration files ..
  .. done
  Updating Virtualmin licence files ..
  .. done
  Allowing SSH logins by root ..
  .. already allowed
  Un-mounting instance's filesystem ..
  .. done
  Adding DNS entry xennoupdate.home. for IP address ..
  .. done
  Starting up new Xen instance ..
  .. done
  Setting Webmin password ..
  .. done
  Waiting for Webmin to start ..
  .. started OK
  Refreshing status ..
  .. done
  Checking Virtualmin configuration ..
  .. done
  Enabling at hosting system boot ..
  .. done
  Creation of Xen system xennoupdate.home is complete

Command Line Help

Creates a new virtual system of some type.

cloudmin create-system --host name
                      [--unix-host name]
                       --type kvm
                      [--desc "system description"]
                       --ssh-key keyid | --ssh-pass password | --no-ssh
                      [--webmin | --webmin-pass password]
                      [--image id]
                      [--serial number --key number] |
                      [--same-serial] | [--allocate-serial]
                      [--id number]
                      [--disk-directory dir]
                      [--start-at-boot | --no-start-at-boot]
                      [--owner name]