
Backs up one or more Cloudmin-managed virtual systems.

This command creates backups of one or more Cloudmin systems to the specified backup destination. The systems to include are selected using standard flags like --host or --owner, and the destination by the --dest flag followed by a destination specification like /backup/cloudmin or backupserver:/cloudmin. To use the default backup destination for each system's host, use the --default-dest flag instead of --dest.

By default, systems are backed up one by one. However, you can have them done in parallel with the --parallel flag.

Systems will be left running during the backup, which may lead to filesystem or database inconsistencies. To have them shut down (if running) during the backup, use the --shutdown flag.

To have Cloudmin delete backup old destinations under the same directory as this backup's destination, use the --purge flag followed by a number of days. This will only work if the backup is to a date-based directory, like /backup/%d-%m-%Y.

To just show which systems will be backed up and to where, use the --test flag. This is useful when selecting systems by group or host, or when using a date-based backup destination spec.

Example usage

  cloudmin backup-systems --host openvzgpl.home
  Finding systems to backup ..
  .. found 1 systems
  Working out backup destinations ..
  .. found 1 usable destinations
  Backing up openvzgpl.home to /backup/cloudmin/openvzgpl.home.tar.gz on Cloudmin master ..
  .. created backup of 160.40 MB

Command Line Help

Backs up one or more managed systems.

cloudmin backup-systems [--host name]*
                        [--group name]*
                        [--type real|kvm|gce|this]*
                        [--os oscode]*
                        [--owner name]*
                        [--status status-code|"up"|"wm"|"bad"]
                        [--host-on name]
                        --dest destination-directory | --default-dest
                        [--purge days]

The destination can be one of :
 - A dir on the VM2 master, like /backup
 - A dir on another VM2-managed system, like backupbox:/backup
 - A dir on the host systems, like host:/backup
 - An FTP destination, like ftp:login:pass@server/backup
 - An SSH destination, like ssh:login:pass@server/backup
 - An S3 destination, like s3:access-key:secret-key@bucket/path
 - A Rackspace destination, like rs:user:pass@container/path