reboot=0 io=[ 0 0 ] ips=[ [ def 6 ] ] fhide={ aliases= ssl= web= dbs= doms= users= mail= dns= } mem=[ 4030716 2623296 0 0 1563432 ] disk_total=83176962048 kernel={ version=5.4.0-52-generic os=Linux arch=x86_64 } cpu=[ 4 3 94 0 0 ] fcount={ logrotate=5 dbs=7 dir=6 aliases=13 web=6 mysql=5 webmin=4 postgres=0 webalizer=3 users=19 doms=6 ssl=6 virus=2 status=0 unix=5 mail=3 dns=6 spam=2 ftp=1 } disk_fs=[ { dir=/ ifree=9976541 type=ext4 total=83067539456 itotal=10321920 device=LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs free=56314712064 } { type=vfat ifree=0 dir=/boot/efi device=/dev/vda15 free=99854336 total=109422592 itotal=0 } ] ftypes=[ doms dns web ssl mail dbs users aliases ] vposs=[ ] fextra={ dbs=-1 users=-1 doms=-1 aliases=-1 ssl=-1 web=-1 mail=-1 dns=-1 } disk_free=56414566400 procs=186 load=[ 0.48 0.38 0.22 2494 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6140 CPU @ 2.30GHz GenuineIntel 4194304 2 ] quota=[ ] progs=[ [ Operating system Ubuntu Linux 20.04.1 ] [ Perl version 5.030000 ] [ Path to Perl /usr/bin/perl ] [ BIND version 9.16 ] [ Postfix version 3.4.13 ] [ Mail injection command /usr/lib/sendmail -t ] [ Apache version 2.4.46 ] [ PHP versions 7.4.11 ] [ Webalizer version 2.23-08 ] [ Logrotate version 3.14.0 ] [ MySQL version 8.0.21-0ubuntu0.20.04.4 ] [ PostgreSQL version 12.4 ] [ ProFTPD version 1.36 ] [ SpamAssassin version 3.4.4 ] [ ClamAV version 0.102.4 ] ] fmax={ dns= mail= doms= users= dbs= web= aliases= ssl= } poss=[ ] ips6=[ [ 2604:A880:0400:00D0:0000:0000:1997:0001 def 4 ] ] startstop=[ { desc=Stop Apache links=[ { manage=1 desc=Manage Apache link=/apache/ } ] status=1 name=Apache Webserver longdesc=The Apache webserver is currently active, and serving virtual server web pages. Click this button to shut it down. feature=web restartdesc=Restart Apache } { longdesc=The PHP-FPM version 7.4.3 server is currently running. Click this button to stop it, which will disable all PHP websites using this FPM version. name=PHP-FPM 7.4.3 Server feature=fpm restartdesc=Restart PHP-FPM Server id=7.4.3 status=1 desc=Stop PHP-FPM Server } { name=BIND DNS Server longdesc=The BIND DNS server is currently active, and hosting virtual server DNS domains. Click this button to shut it down. links=[ { desc=Manage BIND manage=1 link=/bind8/ } ] desc=Stop BIND status=1 restartdesc=Restart BIND feature=dns } { restartdesc=Restart mail server feature=mail name=Postfix Mail Server longdesc=The configured mail server is currently active, and accepting email for virtual domain mailboxes. Click this button to stop it. links=[ { link=/postfix/ desc=Manage mail server manage=1 } { stat=mailcount } { stat=spamcount } { stat=viruscount } ] desc=Stop mail server status=1 } { desc=Stop Dovecot links=[ { desc=Manage Dovecot manage=1 link=/dovecot/ } ] status=1 feature=dovecot name=Dovecot IMAP / POP3 Server restartdesc=Restart Dovecot longdesc=The Dovecot IMAP and POP3 server is currently active, and accepting connections for virtual domain mailboxes. Click this button to stop it. } { status=1 links=[ { desc=Manage ProFTPD manage=1 link=/proftpd/ } ] desc=Stop ProFTPD longdesc=The ProFTPD server is currently running and accepting FTP connections. Click this button to shut it down. name=ProFTPD FTP Server restartdesc=Restart ProFTPD feature=ftp } { desc=Stop SSH Server links=[ { desc=Manage SSH Server manage=1 link=/sshd/ } ] status=1 feature=sshd name=SSH Server restartdesc=Restart SSH Server longdesc=The SSH server is currently running and accepting remote logins and file transfers. Click this button to shut it down. } { desc=Stop SpamAssassin Server status=1 restartdesc=Restart SpamAssassin Server feature=spam name=SpamAssassin Filter Server longdesc=The SpamAssassin <tt>spamd</tt> filter server is currently running. Click this button to stop it, which will prevent Virtualmin filtering incoming email for spam. } { restartdesc=Restart MySQL feature=mysql links=[ { manage=1 desc=Manage MySQL link=/mysql/ } ] desc=Stop MySQL status=1 name=MySQL Database Server longdesc=The MySQL server is currently running and allowing connections to databases. Click this button to shut it down. } { desc=Stop PostgreSQL links=[ { link=/postgresql/ desc=Manage PostgreSQL manage=1 } ] status=1 feature=postgres name=PostgreSQL Database Server restartdesc=Restart PostgreSQL longdesc=The PostgreSQL server is currently running and allowing connections to databases. Click this button to shut it down. } ]