#!/usr/bin/perl =head1 generate-letsencrypt-cert.pl Requests and installs a Let's Encrypt cert for a virtual server. The server must be specified with the C<--domain> flag, followed by a domain name. By default the certificate will be the for domain name only, but you can specify an alternate list of hostnames with the C<--host> flag, which can be given multiple times. =cut package virtual_server; if (!$module_name) { $main::no_acl_check++; $ENV{'WEBMIN_CONFIG'} ||= "/etc/webmin"; $ENV{'WEBMIN_VAR'} ||= "/var/webmin"; if ($0 =~ /^(.*)\/[^\/]+$/) { chdir($pwd = $1); } else { chop($pwd = `pwd`); } $0 = "$pwd/install-cert.pl"; require './virtual-server-lib.pl'; $< == 0 || die "install-cert.pl must be run as root"; } @OLDARGV = @ARGV; &set_all_text_print(); # Parse command-line args while(@ARGV > 0) { local $a = shift(@ARGV); if ($a eq "--domain") { $dname = shift(@ARGV); } elsif ($a eq "--host") { push(@dnames, lc(shift(@ARGV))); } elsif ($a eq "--multiline") { $multiline = 1; } else { &usage("Unknown parameter $a"); } } # Validate inputs $dname || &usage("Missing --domain parameter"); $d = &get_domain_by("dom", $dname); $d || &usage("No virtual server named $dname found"); &domain_has_ssl($d) || &usage("Virtual server $dname does not have SSL enabled"); if (!@dnames) { @dnames = &get_hostnames_for_ssl($d); $custom_dname = undef; } else { foreach my $dname (@dnames) { my $checkname = $dname; $checkname =~ s/^www\.//; $err = &valid_domain_name($checkname); &usage($err) if ($err); } } # Request the cert &foreign_require("webmin"); $phd = &public_html_dir($d); &$first_print("Requesting SSL certificate for ".join(" ", @dnames)." .."); ($ok, $cert, $key, $chain) = &webmin::request_letsencrypt_cert( \@dnames, $phd, $d->{'emailto'}); if (!$ok) { &$second_print(".. failed : $cert"); exit(1); } else { &$second_print(".. done"); # Worked .. copy to the domain &obtain_lock_ssl($d); &$first_print("Copying to webserver configuration .."); &install_letsencrypt_cert($d, $cert, $key, $chain); # Save renewal state $d->{'letsencrypt_dname'} = $custom_dname; $d->{'letsencrypt_last'} = time(); &save_domain($d); # Apply any per-domain cert to Dovecot and Postfix if ($d->{'virt'}) { &sync_dovecot_ssl_cert($d, 1); &sync_postfix_ssl_cert($d, 1); } # For domains that were using the SSL cert on this domain originally but # can no longer due to the cert hostname changing, break the linkage &break_invalid_ssl_linkages($d); # Copy SSL directives to domains using same cert foreach $od (&get_domain_by("ssl_same", $d->{'id'})) { next if (!&domain_has_ssl($od)); $od->{'ssl_cert'} = $d->{'ssl_cert'}; $od->{'ssl_key'} = $d->{'ssl_key'}; $od->{'ssl_newkey'} = $d->{'ssl_newkey'}; $od->{'ssl_csr'} = $d->{'ssl_csr'}; $od->{'ssl_pass'} = $d->{'ssl_pass'}; &save_domain_passphrase($od); &save_domain($od); } &release_lock_ssl($d); &$second_print(".. done"); &run_post_actions(); &virtualmin_api_log(\@OLDARGV, $d); } sub usage { print "$_[0]\n\n" if ($_[0]); print "Requests and installs a Let's Encrypt cert for a virtual server.\n"; print "\n"; print "virtualmin generate-letsencrypt-cert --domain name\n"; print " [--host hostname]*\n"; exit(1); }