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Project Summary Status Priority Category Repliessort ascending Last updated Assigned to Created
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Creating new IO::Tty by using p5-IO-Tty fails. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Virtualmin installation fails with /tmp mounted with noexec option. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Backup to S3 fails periodically with "Missing Location header" Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers SpamAssassin Custom Update Channels Closed (fixed) Normal Task 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Php 5.2...where is it ? Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Apply new license Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers gzip in virtuamin backups with --rsyncable option Closed (fixed) Normal Task 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers postfix error associated with spam trap Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Usermin Core Strange Error Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers "module spam does not exist" on upgrade from GPL to Pro Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Additional manually configured nameservers Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Can't find existing mailbox or alias Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Upgrade Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Webmin Core Highertraffic, server down Max concurrent users on a virtual VM2 machine? Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers virtualmin saves wrong Mail aliases Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Email Alias script error when editing an existing alias with an auto-response Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Having a problem with install... ERROR is Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Virtualmin Pro: SSH backup do not allow to specify SSH port when different from default one Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers cannot login to mail server, says its disabled but vmin shows its running Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers dkim-milter supprt Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Wrong quota count Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Webmin Core Changin webmin theme generates error Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Backup fails because of missing SVN user file Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers virtual server redirect to another directory, but leave document root of virtual server where it is. Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Webmin Core Undefined subroutines in Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Bug in PowerDNS plugin. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers DNS changes not activated? Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Scheduled backup email has minor error Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Setting 'Send automatic reply' or change alias results in looping error page Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Apache issur Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers phpBB install errors Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers mysql remote access is not allowed Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Usermin Core Can Not Play WAV or MP3 files Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Back Scatter Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Default Installation of Zikula Causes Errors Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Webmin Core Postfix General Options GUI Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers SUBDOM variable Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Install Errors Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers CMS Made Simple Closed (fixed) Normal Task 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Postfix SASL auth doesn't work after clean install Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Install Scripts (phpmyadmin) Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Incorrect quota calculation on on virtual server Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers cant' get email account to work Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Reseller Account plans Closed (fixed) Normal Task 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Spam Assassin is CaSe SenSitive Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Allowing resellers to create templates Closed (fixed) Normal Task 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Usermin Core Bug in read user email setting Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Create an A record for sub-servers without DNS Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers email in per domain stats Closed (fixed) Normal Task 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers SQL error when using the Edit Databases facility. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 7 months 15 years 7 months


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