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I have setup users so that they can create their own email boxes. But when I have a user login, they cannot see the option to add emails addresses. I am not sure if this is connected with the other problems that I seem to be having. There is no responses to my questions.
Can anyone help?
What are you having the users login into? Usermin or Virtualmin (Webmin)? Have you included that as an active module?
If the user logs in to his server on the webmin port and clicks the webmin side of server maintenance you will see the virtual email module. This will only work if you've enabled the server admin to manage users.
Awesome! Thanks for the info. I can see where I went wrong. Users are logging into Virtualmin.
I updated the server template to include that setting. So all new users will have that ability. How do I give existing users that capability? Can it be done without remaking the virtual server?
Thanks again!
<div class='quote'>How do I give existing users that capability? Can it be done without remaking the virtual server?</div>
Of course. Select the server you want to modify, click "Edit Owner Limits" in the Administration Options menu, and in the "Edit capabilities for virtual servers" section enable "Can manage users". Save it.
Check out the forum guidelines!
Awesome! Thanks Joe and DanLong. I should have looked a bit harder. I appreciate the help. Problem solved!