Submitted by pieterG on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 00:09
Please help me out, documentation says this " Enabling incremental mode for a scheduled backup is as simple as changing the Backup level option to Incremental. "
Which I love to accept but the option is not there....
I run Virtualmin 4.07.gpl on webmin 1.680 on Centos 6.5 all packages seem to be up to date as my System Info says....
Now how would I set Full and Incremental backups? Did I mis something?
Closed (works as designed)
Submitted by andreychek on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 00:20 Comment #1
Howdy -- you can find that option by going into Backup and Restore -> Scheduled Backup, click the backup you wish to edit, and then near the bottom of the "Destination and format" section is an option named "Backup Level".
In that "Backup Level" section you should see three options, "Full", "Incremental", and "Neither".
Submitted by pieterG on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 00:26 Comment #2
You would expect that, but it is not there.. :(
I thought it would be.. but it is not.. see attachment
Submitted by pieterG on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 00:33 Comment #3
.... So I may have found what happened... but you jay clarfy why this is.. In virtualmin settings the backup format is set to ZIP.. this way it does not show incremental when I set to gzip it DOES show the levels.. For incremental, does it need the odd folder output (all files in their own folder with a number) to allow incremental backups?
Submitted by andreychek on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 00:42 Comment #4
Ah, that explains it.
When using gzip, it's not actually just gzip -- it's tar/gzip.
When using zip, it's only zip that's used.
The feature to perform incremental backups actually requires a feature within tar to determine which files have changed since the last full backup.
When using zip, it wouldn't be able to perform incremental backups, as zip doesn't have that particular feature.
Our suggestion is to use gzip, if possible.
Submitted by pieterG on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 02:26 Comment #5
mmbhh. thought so, but the zip file can easily be unpacked and MySQL imported in a local setup such as XAMPP...
The zip is more versatile when it comes to interchangeability of systems used...
Gotto live with that then...
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 05/15/2014 - 15:39 Comment #6
Yeah, this is expected - ZIP has no support for incremental backups.