Virtualmin sidebar not loading


I have a weird problem where all of sudden when I am accessing the virtualmin, only system information only being loaded, but sidebar is not shown. The browser tab still showing progress that it is loading but nothing appear for almost more than an hour as I tested so far.

I already tried to restart server, and restart webmin, using below command

/etc/init.d/webmin restart

but always the same. Also, I stopped all the services in virtualmin and reloaded the page.

netstat -an | grep :10000 tcp 0 0* LISTEN udp 0 0*

My firewall is set open to port 10000 in amazon ec2 firewall.

Screenshot attached.

Thanks in advance.

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- it looks like you're running a very old version of Virtualmin there... version 3.65 was released about 5 years ago.

My suggestion would be to update to the most recent version of Webmin, Virtualmin, and the Virtualmin theme, as well as the most recent CentOS version.

After that, make sure that you restart the Webmin service, and then see if that resolves the issue you're seeing there.

Are you using Virtualmin Pro, or GPL, on your system there?

Hi andreychek,

Thank you for your quick reply! Appreciate it!

I am using virtualminGPL. Is there a way to migrate easily to a newer version from current version?

I found that I can't update from virtualmin interface as it is stating

All packages is up to date.

Thanks a bunch!

You could always try running "yum update" from the command line... though if it's now showing that option within Virtualmin, that may mean that the Virtualmin repositories aren't configured.

Also, upgrading from your current Virtualmin version, to one 5 years more recent, could potentially cause some problems due to the large jump, so you may want to have some backups created before beginning that process :-)

It may take some time to drill down to the exact problem that you're experiencing though... since you're using Virtualmin GPL, and not Virtualmin Pro, you'd want to use the Forums to obtain support.

We monitor those, along with lots of wonderful folks in the community.

If running "yum update" doesn't do the trick for you -- start a new Forum thread, and in there, let us know what the command "ls /etc/yum.repos.d" shows, that will help us determine why it's not seeing new Virtualmin packages.

Hi andreychek,

Thank you very much for guiding me.

I will get into forum to solve this.

Best regards, Thanesh