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I'm trying to set up a WebDav server. Im using Ubuntu 12 Server, Virtualmin and WebDav Users 3.5. I have read that I must use the AuthDigest to be able to connect from Windows. But I saw that the configuration of WebDav User allso has username mode for Windows.
But when I set it to domain\user it says domain does not exist. What do I have to do to be able to configure the dav for Windows to connect?
I allready tried connecting from Ubuntu and it works.
I got it working. But I have no idea wich solution it is that finally made it work. All i know so far is that if you want to be able to use webdav in Windows 7, you have to download the following Windows update and install: KB907306 Webfolders
I am going to redo the installation again now that i have the windows update package installed so see exactly what needs to be done for everything to work properly.
Thanks for the update -- I look forward to hearing what exactly you had to tweak for it to work!
Allright it seems it's the KB907306 update that is the key. I just installed Virtualmin with the, installed the WebDav Users 3.5 as a Webmin module. Turned on the Feature in Virtualmin -> Server Settings -> Features and Plugins Activated the DAV Login in both the domain and the user. After that it worked.
Though I wonder how do I connect via https ? Anybody that knows?
Hi, just saw your thread... I have the same problem... but I don't bring it to work with your hints...
Got a fresh install of Virtualmin with the install script, WebDav 3.5 Module up and running, but the system keeps saying: "Domain doesn't exist" - of course it does...
No login possible from Windows 7 with the additional package KB907306 .... the two don't wanna work together....
I could not connect from Windows, but yes, from Linux no problem....
So, the problem seems to be in the Windows package....