Overprinting of lefthand menubar after update on 11APR2007

OS:Redhat EL 4.0-U4-64-ES

Motherboard: SuperMicro H8SSL-I AMD Opteron DualCore SingleProc Sata [1Proc]

CPU:AMD Opteron 170 [2GHz]

After yum update on 11apr2007 I noticed that the links "Virutalmin" and "Webmin" on the top of the left menubar were overprinting and unreadable. The links continue to function as normal.

OK, I just checked again today and all is right with the world and the interface is now a lovely Ajax form ...whoosh..slick.
Good Job
Sorry for the false alarm. It must have been some crazy mix of versions after the update.

I chose to post this so that perhaps if others have the same issue they may find a resolve in perhaps restarting Virtualmin?

I hope that this is an accepted procedure.

Best Regards,
Dan Pueppke

Closed (fixed)