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Limiting login to IPs - changing via SSH? In my brains to improve security to my admin login I decided to limit access to my root login to my home IP only, thinking that my limited admin access account for creating / managing all virtual servers I create, I can use from work and/or at all other times.
Little did I realise that limiting login on my root account, also limits access on my limited admin account due to it having a secondary group... of root.
<-- fail
How do I (via SSH) add in another IP for "only allow access"?
Which file/s do I edit?
Yeah, I hate it when that happens :-)
I'm sure it's possible to tweak that over SSH, but off the top of my head I don't know which file to look at.
It would be a file in /etc/webmin -- you might be able to grep for the current IP that's allowed within the config files under /etc/webmin, and add your additional IP to that.
However, I'll do some poking around and see if I can figure out which one it is :-)
Cool - I cannot remember my home IP (never really looked for it until the other day when I jumped on "what is my ip" website) :)
Did you find it? I keep forgetting to add my work IP to allowed access...