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It looks like you purchased an upgrade from a Virtualmin 10 to a Virtualmin 50. Did you mean to buy a new license?
If that's the case, we can refund your purchase so that you can buy your desired license.
i buy license.dont coming license keys /serials.
i want licence key
Well, take a look at the invoice for what you purchased today -- it's not actually a license, what you purchased is the following:
Upgrade Virtualmin 10 to 50
That's a license upgrade -- and that only helps if you already own a license.
Were you hoping to buy a license?
If so, which license did you want to purchase?
i wrong licence.My Money send me.And i go buy true licence.
No problem, we'll send you the money for the first purchase you made.
Okay, your initial purchase should be refunded -- let us know if you have any other questions!