I have couple questions about the SSL in Virtualmin, and I know hot it works regarding the additional ip address etc...
So, in my case I am now running one web site which uses SSL (https://) and a lot of other web sites that only uses the http:// no SSL ...
Now I ordered an additional ip address and I have assigned it to the servers NIC card, configured ip, mask and gw....
My question now is as follows:
I know when we are creating a new virtual server than in the "IP address and forwarding" tab I choose the Virtual with IP and NOT shared IP, than I just type the Virtual ip and everything works just fine...
BUT when I already have an Virtual server up and running which uses shared IP address as default, how can I add this new Virtual ip address in this case ? because when I click on "Edit Virtual Server" and than on the tab "Configurable settings" I see only the option "External IP address" and i can type a new external ip address, but this is not a Virtual ip address, because I tested this I typed a new address here and than I tried to add SSL on to this Virtual server and I received an WARNING that ip address is already used by another Virtual server for its SSL.... so how and where can I ADD a NEW Virtual ip address for Virtual Server ??
Thank You
can I perhaps change it in the: "Server Configuration" - "Change IP Address" ?? select "user private address" and than type new additional ip address ?
can I perhaps change it in the: "Server Configuration" - "Change IP Address" ?? select "user private address" and than type new additional ip address ?
Yup, that's the way to do it!
If you have a Virtual Server currently on a shared IP address, and you'd like to move it to another IP so that it can have SSL -- you'd want to do that in Server Configuration -> Change IP Address.
Hi Eric,
ok I understand now... will do so...
Thank You very much for reply !
Best regards