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You can enable any package that's available to your distribution. Most distributions include the PHP APC cache by default. So to enable that, you can just install it. For example, to do that on CentOS 6, you can use this command:
yum install php-pecl-apc
However, I believe I recall that you're on CentOS 5, and I don't think there's a package for it on that distribution version. So when using CentOS 5, you'd need to set it up manually.
You can enable any package that's available to your distribution. Most distributions include the PHP APC cache by default. So to enable that, you can just install it. For example, to do that on CentOS 6, you can use this command:
yum install php-pecl-apc
However, I believe I recall that you're on CentOS 5, and I don't think there's a package for it on that distribution version. So when using CentOS 5, you'd need to set it up manually.