New server from server image?

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#1 Wed, 09/14/2011 - 10:52

New server from server image?

RackSpace provide the ability to create a new server from an existing server image, if I do this to generate a new server with a new IP am I easily able to just change the IP & host name in Webmin & Virtualmin configuration to use the new host and IP of the new server via the normal web screens or will it not work at the image will relate to the original server IP?

Alternatively I can provision a new ‘blank/empty’ CentOS RackSpace server would this be better is there a quick/simple way to copy over the Webmin & Virtualmin configuration to the new server?

Thu, 09/15/2011 - 15:44

Can anyone advise me on this i.e. how to generate/replicte a configured Webmin/Virtualmin CentOS server onto a new machine wiht a new IP?

Sat, 09/17/2011 - 04:22

OK just tried this, did clone via RackSpace server image all worked fine just needed to change the host name and a couple of things in the postfix config and all is running fine on a new server with new IP, I'd still be interested to know if there is another/better way of doing this although it was pretty simple to acheive as said above.

Mon, 09/19/2011 - 19:18

Changing the IP and hostname in all places where it's mentioned -- most if not all of which you probably already found -- would be the way to do this, indeed. I don't know of an "automated" way in Webmin to perform this change.

Additionally, make sure to modify any existing BIND zone files, if you already have set up Virtualmin servers.

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