Upgrading Virtualmin Software


Upgrading via the Virtualmin UI

When a new version is available, you will see a message on the System Information page stating that there are Virtualmin package updates available.

Other packages may be listed too, depending on what is available to be updated. To install these updates, just click the Install All Updates Now button.

Upgrading from the command line

Installing all available updates can be done with the following command on RHEL/CentOS:

yum update

Or, on Debian/Ubuntu:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Alternately, you can install specific packages from the command line as the 'root' user using APT or YUM. On CentOS or Redhat Enterprise, the command to use will be like:

yum install wbm-virtual-server bind perl python

On Debian or Ubuntu, you could use :

apt-get install webmin-virtual-server bind perl python

License Upgrades

When upgrading Virtualmin Professional licenses, it is never necessary to re-install Virtualmin!

If you have purchased a new, upgraded, license, use the "virtualmin change-license" command to update to the new serial number and license key (found on your Software Licenses page under Account.

Licenses purchased after January of 2016 will automatically renew for as long as we have valid payment information on file for you. Licenses purchased before January 2016 will need to be replaced with a new license; simply purchase the license you want in the shop and use the "virtualmin change-license" command to update the license on your server.

For more, see the Software License FAQ.